Fotografia de Thiare Matthies - Coordinadora de Producción en Antidoto 56 Postproducción + VFX

Production Coordinator

Thiare Matthies

Meet Thiare, our expert Visual Antidote Coordinator! 💼🎬

With a radar always tuned to the customer's frequency, our island is the master of organizational alchemy that transforms requests into spectacular solutions.

Armed with a compass for customer satisfaction and a microscope for detail, she is the vital link between customer needs and our virtuoso team in motion graphics and VFX.

In the Antidote 56 laboratory, Thiare is the one who ensures that each visual formula passes the quality test before presenting it to the world.

With clinical skills in data management and a meticulous evaluation of each process, she operates with precision, methodology and unwavering integrity.

Whether under the pressure of a stopwatch or in the calm of planning, Thiare keeps the pulse stable, ensuring that teamwork flows with the efficiency of a well-balanced chemical formula.

Thiare is the essential component in our mix for the success of every project! 🌟🔬

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