Business meeting of the Digital Animation Industry of Costa Rica and Chile.

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Paula Curin
Presentación de Encuentro empresarial - Animación Digital en Chile - Costa Rica - PROCOMER
Business Meeting - Digital Animation in Chile - Costa Rica - PROCOMER

Recently, the business meeting of the “Digital Animation Industry in Chile and Costa Rica” in Santiago de Chile, organized by PROCOMER of Costa Rica, an entity responsible for disseminating and promoting the development of the creative industry, among others, and whose main objective is to promote the export of goods and services from that Central American country to the world.

Due to the growing interest and the accelerated development of digital talent in Costa Rica, this organization provided full support to the Creative Industry in that country, to promote the exchange of services and also facilitate co-production between digital animation studios between Costa Rica and Chile.

Within this framework, the organization conducted an exhaustive investigation of the current landscape of the Digital Animation in Chile, through a detailed study carried out with the participation of the main digital animation studios in Chile and which also included the collaboration of groups such as ANIMACHI, PROCHILE.

On the other hand, some were also included UNIVERSITIES who teach this specialization within their careers and also some professionals who carry out this activity independently.

Among those participants, our animation studio Antidote 56 visual study participated actively collaborating in identifying and quantifying the contribution that each of the different actors has in the development of the Creative Industry in Chile specifically oriented to Digital Animation.

The radiography of the digital animation industry in Chile

Portada estudio PROCOMER Caracterización de la animación digital  en chile y potencial de coproducción

Among the most interesting results of the study carried out by PROCOMER it was possible to obtain a cadastre, perhaps never before done in such detail, of the general overview of the main players who are currently engaged in this entertainment business or who provide animated content creation services for advertising or companies.

The market study carried out was presented in detail at the meeting to all attendees from the Chilean industry, under the name of “Digital animation in Chile: Characterization of the sector in Chile and potential for co-production.”

The results provided interesting and valuable data for the participating companies and in general for all artists and professionals in the field in the country. This is a very detailed X-ray, obtained from first source from the mouths of the main digital animation studios in Chile, who were surveyed by the business intelligence department of PROCOMER.

This study highlights a happy coincidence, both for Chile and also for Costa Rica, the “cultural economy” constitutes a 2.2% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), that is, the creative industry including digital animation, is a thriving market with many projections in the present of both countries and for the future, translating into new international business opportunities, the generation of new jobs and the development of new specialties within the services offered.


Among the services offered by the different actors, companies, independent professionals or animation studios, the following stand out:

  • 2D and 3D Digital Animation.
  • Motion Graphics.
  • Stop Motion.
  • Visual Effects (VFX).
  • Motion Capture.
  • Web Animation.
  • Color Correction.
  • Data Graphics.
  • Illustration.

These services are offered for the entertainment industry in a variety of disciplines such as conceptual art, creative development, characterization of characters and art direction for the development of series and content for television and streaming. These are also offered for the advertising industry and some companies that are mainly applied to advertising spots, BTL and POP digital signage in the form of motion graphics and in the application for more corporate videos and/or tutorials.

The Future of Digital Animation in Costa Rica

On the other hand, the meeting gave an account of a detailed presentation of the current scenario offered by the creative industry of Digital Animation in Costa Rica, which shows the different animation studios that seek to offer their services in the country and that, on the other hand, seek to increase professional exchange and generate co-productions with Chilean studios for the development of series and content for different age groups both for Chile and for the region and the rest of the world.

To this end, a series of meetings are being planned in both countries in order to realize the exchange and to increase the potential of the region in the development of audiovisual projects with digital animation.

One of these important meetings will take place in Chile, at the prestigious “CHILEMONOS” Festival, where a series of creative and commercial exchanges are concentrated, because in addition to being a platform for showing the best content, series, short films from Chile, Latin America and the world. The festival also hosts a series of business meetings and business meetings to organize co-productions, exchanges, workshops and informational meetings of the creative industry by leading professionals and recognized digital artists from all over the world.

#animación #digital #2D #3D