Why do brands invest in making themselves known through video?

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Cristián Aracena

Animated Explanatory Video

Why is video so important in digital campaigns?

In a world where marketing strategies are constantly evolving, entrepreneurs and merchants strive to find effective ways to attract potential consumers and convert them into customers. As they plan their marketing strategies for the present and the future, it's essential to consider emerging trends in the industry.

One of the highlights today is the creation of highly personalized content on various digital marketing platforms, including websites, blogs, social networks, email marketing, and more.

In addition, another trend that has gained strength and continues to grow is the importance of creating a consistent experience for potential customers through an integrated marketing strategy.

This strategy connects social media, event marketing, content and email to provide a unified and effective experience.

But what are the current projections?

Brands and merchants are constantly questioning their strategies to determine how to make potential consumers more aware of their products or services, and thus ultimately turn them into customers.

When creating their marketing plans for this year, they will be evaluating the different trends predicted by industry experts.

One of the most discussed predictions now is the importance of creating highly personalized content across all the different digital marketing platforms (websites, blogs, social networks, email marketing, etc.)

There is also a new trend, which will continue to grow this year, regarding the importance of creating a coherent experience for potential customers through an integrated marketing strategy that connects social media, event marketing, content and email.

What are the projections for the future?

· Companies expect to triple their social marketing budgets in the next 5 years.

· 72% of all merchants have found a customer through Facebook.

· 63% of all merchants found a customer through LinkedIn.

· Pages like YouTube, which include videos, see an 86% increase in interactions.

· Customer testimonials have the highest efficiency rating for all types of content marketing, with a score of 89 percent.

Most businesses have made online video an essential part of their marketing strategies. In fact, 93% of marketers are currently engaged in video marketing.

Video is forecast to soon dominate the online world, accounting for 69% of all consumer Internet traffic.

Why do so many marketers use online video in their campaigns?

· Attracts 3 times more monthly visitors.

· Doubles time on your site and increases search traffic.

· Visitors who watch product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who don't.

· Video messaging increases consumer confidence, 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them safer to make their purchases.

There is no doubt about the benefits of video as a communication tool, its versatility in creating content allows us to deliver very precise messages, it is also a powerful tool for transmitting our message to our target audience in an entertaining way and with unexpected results so far...

Current Trends in Digital Marketing: Concrete Examples

Current projections indicate that companies are willing to invest more in social marketing.

A clear example of this is the fact that social marketing budgets are expected to double over the next five years. This underlines the growing relevance of social media in companies' marketing strategy.

In terms of tangible results, statistics reveal that social networks are an effective channel for reaching potential customers.

Exemplifying this, 52% of all merchants have acquired customers through Facebook, while 43% have done so through LinkedIn.

However, one platform that has experienced significant growth thanks to the addition of videos is YouTube, which has registered an impressive 86% increase in interactions.

The Power of Video in Digital Marketing: Illustrative Examples

One of the highlights of digital marketing strategies is the inclusion of videos. Some concrete examples illustrate why videos are such an effective tool:

·  Attract More Visitors: A palpable example of how videos can increase visibility is the case of a company that, by creating high-quality video content about its products or services, attracted significantly more visitors to its website.

This increase in the influx of visitors not only expanded their reach, but also provided them with more opportunities to convert visitors into customers.

·  Increase Commitment: A concrete example of how videos increase engagement can be seen in the analysis of a website's statistics. By incorporating interesting and relevant videos, visitors spent twice as much time on the website, exploring more content and showing greater interest in the brand.

·  Increase Conversion Rates: A clear example of how video can boost conversions is found in increasing the sales of an online store.

When this store incorporated demonstration videos of its products, conversion rates skyrocketed. Customers felt more confident and convinced to make purchases after seeing the products in action.

·  Build Trust: Building trust through videos is evident when looking at a consumer's experience. For example, a potential customer who is hesitant to buy a product may feel more confident after watching a video that shows the product in detail and provides testimonials from other satisfied customers.

In short, online video has become an essential communication tool in today's digital marketing strategies.

The examples above illustrate how video can make a difference in the success of a digital campaign by attracting more visitors, increasing engagement, driving conversions, and building consumer trust. In a competitive environment, video is a powerful tool to stand out and connect with the target audience effectively and convincingly

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