What is VFX Virtual Production with Unreal Engine?

Posted by
Cristián Aracena

A new paradigm shift for the production process

Virtual production technology with Unreal Engine revolutionizes the audiovisual industry by combining artistic creativity with cutting-edge digital tools. By creating digital environments immersive and realistic, this technology allows filmmakers, creators and designers to visualize and capture scenes in real time, reducing costs and production times.

Through live interaction between actors and virtual environments, a perfect integration of real and fictional elements is achieved, opening up new possibilities for telling stories in an innovative and efficient way in a world in constant evolution.

Unreal Engine is a powerful 3D Animation development engine developed by Epic Games, the well-known company that developed among other milestones in the video game industry Fornite, Gears of War and countless other hits.

Its powerful real-time rendering capabilities, which is equivalent to saying that it is capable of delivering moving images just like a real live camera does, regardless of the action and the point of view.

These features make it an incredible tool for performing VFX and Virtual Production (Virtual Production) in real time for shooting on the Set, either with the use of green backgrounds for Chroma Key or high-resolution LED screens.

What exactly does this revolution mean? Let us break it down in detail.

The beginning of a revolution in the entertainment industry and content production.

The development of all that new complete digital eco system created by Unreal, allows us to generate backgrounds, characters and any element that we can usually create in software 3D animation (Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, etc.) these images called CGI (computer-generated images) allow us to empower our imagination to literally create anything...

If we see all this applied to the development of audiovisual productions, we are talking about the fact that we can create any background, decor or scenographic element that we need to use to put behind our characters, live, at the time of shooting, which would allow us to produce any type of content on set without having to leave a real location or to build scenography or settings with real elements.

Live Virtual Production with LED Screens

One of the most impressive applications of Unreal Engine technology is the live recording on the set of digitally generated backgrounds using LED screens. This technological advance has changed the way in which film and television productions are made, providing filmmakers with a new virtual canvas on which they can bring their stories to life.

Let's imagine a science-fiction scene in a movie. Instead of building an expensive full physical set or resorting to post-production to create a digital environment, filmmakers can place a curved LED screen behind the actors. This screen projects a real-time digital background generated by Unreal Engine, creating an immersive visual environment.

What makes this truly amazing is that, as the actors move around the set, the perspective on the LED screen automatically adjusts to maintain visual coherence. This gives the illusion that they are truly immersed in a completely different place, without the need to travel or build expensive physical sets.

Perfect Integration Between Fact and Fiction

The perfect integration between real and digital elements is one of the greatest achievements of virtual production with Unreal Engine. The lighting and The visual effects they can also be generated by the LED screen to coherently match the virtual environment. This means that shadows, reflections and other visual details are automatically adjusted to adapt to the digital world in real time.

Not only does this approach reduce the need for costly post-productions, it also allows directors and actors to interact more naturally and creatively with the environment during filming. Actors can see the visual effects in real time and adjust their performances accordingly, resulting in more authentic and realistic performances.

Efficiency as a Standard

Virtual production with Unreal Engine not only boosts creativity, but it also sets a new standard of efficiency in the entertainment and content production industry. Production times are significantly reduced, as delays associated with the construction of physical scenography or the need to travel to faraway places are eliminated.

In addition, production costs decrease dramatically. Instead of investing in building and disassembling expensive physical displays, studios can invest in high-resolution LED displays and Unreal Engine technology, resulting in long-term savings.

New Narrative Possibilities

Virtual production with Unreal Engine isn't just about reducing costs and production times; it also opens up new narrative possibilities. Filmmakers and creators have the freedom to unleash their imaginations and bring to the screen stories that were previously difficult to tell due to logistical and budgetary constraints.

Let's imagine a film set in a fantasy world with stunning landscapes and magical creatures. Previously, the creation of this world would require a colossal budget and extensive periods of filming in remote locations. With virtual production, this fantasy world can be brought to life in a recording studio, offering viewers a visually stunning experience without compromising quality or exceeding budget.

Applications Beyond Cinema

Virtual production with Unreal Engine isn't just limited to film and television. It also has a big impact on other fields, such as advertising, education and live entertainment. Live presentations and virtual events can benefit from this technology by offering immersive and visually impactful experiences.

In advertising, brands can create ads and campaigns with surprising visual effects without the need for expensive sets or locations. In education, virtual production can be used to create interactive and immersive learning environments.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While virtual production with Unreal Engine offers countless advantages, it also poses challenges and ethical considerations. The line between fact and fiction can become blurry, raising questions about authenticity in the media and how events are presented to the public. It's also important to address privacy and security issues, especially when using this technology in live streams.

Virtual production technology with Unreal Engine marks a paradigm shift in the audiovisual and entertainment industry. By combining artistic creativity with cutting-edge digital tools, this technology allows creators to visualize and capture scenes in real time, reducing costs and production times. Live virtual production using LED screens has proven to be especially impactful, offering a perfect integration between real and fictional elements.

This technological advance not only improves efficiency in content production, but also expands the narrative and creative possibilities of the industry. However, it is important to address the ethical challenges that arise with this technology to ensure responsible and authentic use in media and entertainment.

Ultimately, virtual production with Unreal Engine is a testament to the power of technology to transform the way we tell stories and create visual experiences, paving the way for an exciting future in the entertainment industry and content production. With its ability to fuse fact and fiction so convincingly, the limit of what's possible is constantly expanding, promising a future filled with surprising and immersive visual narratives.

#ProducciónVirtualUnreal #TecnologíaAudiovisual #InnovaciónEnCine #RealidadVirtualEnSet #UnrealEngineCreativo #EficienciaEnProducción #NarrativasVisuales #EntornoDigitalInmersivo #CineSinLímites #ÉticaEnProducciónVirtual