The Evolution of Advertising: From Television to the Digital Era

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Cristián Aracena

The evolution of advertising has been a fascinating and dynamic journey that has closely followed technological advances and changes in media consumption patterns. From the first commercials on television to the digital era in which we live, advertising has had to constantly adapt to remain relevant and effective. In this article, we'll explore how advertising has evolved from television commercials to the digital age, and how post-production services have played an essential role in this transformation.

Coca-Cola “Share a Coke” Spots

The Golden Age of Television:

Decades ago, television was the primary means of entertainment and communication in homes. TV commercials became an effective way to reach a mass audience. Big brands invested in the production of creative and emotional commercials that were broadcast during popular programs and important events. These commercials had a limited time, usually between 30 and 60 seconds, to captivate the audience and convey a clear and concise message. Example: Coca-Cola commercials in the 1970s are a clear example of how brands took advantage of television to create iconic campaigns. Commercials with catchy jingles and emotional scenes became part of popular culture and left a lasting impression on the audience.

Director of Photography digital cinema camera

The Digital Revolution:

With the advent of the internet and the proliferation of mobile devices, advertising began to expand to digital platforms. Online ads allowed for a higher level of segmentation, as it was possible to target specific audiences based on their interests and online behaviors. Advertising on social networks and websites became pervasive, and video commercials found a new home on platforms such as YouTube. Example: Coca-Cola's “Share a Coke” campaign in 2011 took advantage of the digital age by allowing consumers to personalize bottles with their names and share them online. The campaign went viral, with people sharing photos of their personalized bottles on social media, generating a wave of online participation.

The Next Generation:

Nowadays, the digital age has evolved even more, and television commercials have been completely transformed into shorter formats adapted to online platforms. Microvideos, ephemeral stories and sponsored publications are the new ways to reach the audience. Brands must be creative and agile to adapt to the brief moments of attention that consumers dedicate to digital media. Example: Snickers commercials on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok adapt to the vertical format and the brevity of the content. They use humor and quick narrative to capture viewers' attention as they scroll through their feeds. In this context of constant change, post-production services have become even more crucial. Adapting traditional television commercials to digital formats and creating specific content for online platforms require highly specialized editing and design skills. Postproduction is the key to ensuring that commercials remain effective and engaging in the constantly evolving digital landscape.

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