Success Stories: TV Commercials That Shine Thanks to Creative and Disruptive Postproduction

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Cristián Aracena

In the highly competitive world of television advertising, where creativity and effective storytelling are the key to connecting with the audience, post-production stands as an essential art and an engine of innovation. Los TV commercials they are much more than just advertising messages; they are fleeting stories that are tasked with captivating, moving and leaving a lasting impression on the hearts and minds of spectators.

Behind every successful commercial, there is a team of post-production professionals who work tirelessly to perfect every visual and auditory detail. They are the wizards behind the curtains, the alchemists who transform ideas into memorable images and catchy melodies that resonate in our collective memory.

In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of advertising post-production and explore concrete examples of television commercials that transcended thanks to exceptional post-production. Each of these cases not only sold products, but also told stories, generated emotions and became a topic of conversation around the world.

This is a journey through the magic of post-production, where visual effects come to life, sound becomes music for the ears and creativity becomes a powerful instrument for brands. We will discover how meticulous attention to detail, cutting-edge technology, even the power of minimalism and artistic vision combine to create commercials that not only sell, but also inspire and remain etched in our collective memory.

From John Lewis' emotional Christmas message to Coca-Cola's magical “Happiness Factory” to Apple's ingenuity in its “Get a Mac” campaign, these examples will teach us that post-production is not simply a technical phase, but the very soul of modern advertising narrative. Get ready to discover how these commercials stood out in the competitive world of television advertising and how post-production played a key role in their success.

Join us on this journey behind the scenes of television advertising and let's discover together how exceptional post-production can transform simple commercials into masterpieces that last in the collective memory!

John Lewis Christmas Ad 2014 with Monty the Penguin

1. John Lewis' Heartbreaking Christmas Message: “Monty the Penguin”

In the “Monty the Penguin” commercial for John Lewis, post-production was an essential part of giving life to Monty, the adorable penguin protagonist. Visual effects experts worked meticulously to create a digital version of Monty that looked completely real. Every small movement of her eyes and wings was carefully adjusted to convey her emotions of loneliness and longing for friendship. In addition, the sound post-production made Monty's sounds authentic and moving, contributing to the emotional connection with the audience. Every visual and auditory detail combined to tell an emotional and enchanting story that touched the hearts of millions of people across the UK.

Coca-Cola - Happiness Factory (2006, Netherlands)

2. Coca-Cola: “Happiness Factory”

In the case of “Happiness Factory” by Coca-Cola, the post-production took viewers to a magical world inside a Coca-Cola vending machine. Every element of this world, from the tiny characters that worked tirelessly to the texture of the surfaces and the lighting effects, was digitally created. Postproduction transformed what could have been an ordinary machine into a dream factory full of life and energy. In addition, the sound equipment used effects and music to highlight the magical atmosphere. This combination of visual and sound effects made “Happiness Factory” a memorable experience that deeply connected with the audience.

Old Spice: “The Man from Old Spice”

3. Old Spice: “The Man from Old Spice”

The campaign “The Man of Old Spice“stood out for its innovative post-production. Actor Isaiah Mustafa was moving on a set that changed scenery quickly, often in a single continuous take. Postproduction played a vital role in the smooth transition between these scenes and in creating a constant flow of visual surprises. Every element, from background changes to Mustafa's quirky interactions with the changing environment, was polished in post-production to maintain coherence and fluidity. Not only did this make the commercials visually impactful, but it also made them a topic of conversation around the world.

Apple: 'Get a Mac'

4. Apple: 'Get a Mac'

The “Get a Mac” commercials from Apple they used post-production in a very simple and intelligent way to embody the personalities of Mac and PC. Each character was carefully created with great simplicity and the post-production was responsible for bringing them to life and highlighting their differences. In addition, music and sound effects were precisely used to complement the visual narrative and accentuate the qualities of each platform. These commercials demonstrated that post-production can be a powerful tool for simplifying complex concepts and effectively communicating them to the public.

Guinness: “Surfer”

5. Guinness: “Surfer”

In the famous commercial for Guinness entitled “Surfer”, the post-production was essential to create the impressive giant wave. The visual effects, with a very vintage look, were used to combine multiple shots of surfers in a single epic sequence. Sound post-production was equally important, as immersive sound effects were created to increase tension and emotion. The music and sound of the waves masterfully complemented the visual narrative. As a result, this commercial not only presented an impressive shot, but it also generated a sense of awe in the audience and underscored the idea that Guinness is a beer “made for those who can wait”.

These examples illustrate how well-executed post-production can transform a creative idea into a captivating audiovisual experience that resonates with the public and becomes a milestone in television advertising. Each of these commercials demonstrates that attention to detail in post-production can make the difference between a forgettable commercial and one that stays in people's memories for a long time.


These are just a few examples of television commercials that shone thanks to excellent post-production. In each case, creativity and technical skill came together to create pieces that not only sold products, but also told stories, generated emotions and remained in the public's memory.

For creative directors, account supervisors and copywriters in advertising agencies, these success stories offer valuable lessons. They highlight the importance of post-production as a powerful tool for effective storytelling and emotional connection with the audience. In addition, they show how meticulous attention to visual and sound details can make a difference in the impact of a commercial.

In short, post-production isn't simply the finishing touch in creating a TV commercial; it's the key to transforming an idea into a memorable experience that can influence buying decisions and leave a lasting impression on the viewer's mind.

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