What are the Values and Costs of Audiovisual Postproduction in Chile?

Posted by
Cristián Aracena

Postproduction Stage it is an essential stage to enhance and improve our audiovisual content. It's like giving super vitamins to our project, accelerating and strengthening the understanding process. In addition, it provides us with the opportunity to submit additional or complementary information, ensuring that our objectives are successfully met.

Editor de video - Final Cut
Video Editor - Final Cut

Continuing with our review of the first part of this article, where we talked about resources and costs that we must consider when planning the production and recording of an Internet video in Chile, it's time to go into detail about the resources and costs related to post-production.

Before we dive in, let's make a brief explanation of what this process involves.

Postproduction refers to all post-recording activities. It begins with the review of the recorded material and is the first phase where we select the shots that we will use from all the material and define the rhythm of the final video.

The post-production process encompasses a wide range of technological possibilities that, when combined, enrich and, in many cases, ensure that the message we want to transmit is understood by our audience. It also helps us to create a unique visual and auditory identity that sets us apart from other content. In other words, it allows us to personalize our videos to acquire our own identity or to make the audience we want to influence feel identified. This is achieved through design, colors, rhythm, texts, music and everything that our creativity allows us to include to impact and achieve our goals. But the most important thing is to get people to remember, comment on and share our videos. As we mentioned before, behind all of this is an investment of resources that we hope will pay off. Therefore, to leave out post-production would be to miss out on a great opportunity to succeed.


Sala de Postproducción y Edición
Postproduction and Editing Room

To understand this first process, we can take as an example a testimony given by an interviewee. In general, not everything said in the camera will be used in the final video. It is very likely that we will select the best parts or even just excerpts from the interview. It all depends on the clarity of people's speech in the camera, as well as on their speed and pace. Talking on camera can be stressful for some people, which can make them articulate their ideas less fluently. On the other hand, some people talk on camera the same way they would in real life, making the selection process easier.

Línea de tiempo - Timeline
Timeline - Timeline

On the other hand, this process allows us to structure the material in such a way that we can give it a character and manage the rhythms, which generates a variety of emotions and sensations in the spectator, such as fear, joy, euphoria, anger, etc. Film editing is a term that is used to refer to the artistic and technical process of editing camera material, and allows us to enhance and cause impact. There are a large number of authors and literature on this process, from the great masters of European cinema such as Serguéi Eisenstein, to lesser-known Chilean authors, such as Rafael Sánchez, who wrote a fundamental book called “Film Montage: Art in Motion”. This book explains some theoretical foundations and practical tips that summarize a series of cinematographic techniques used in audiovisual productions, film, television and digital media.

Video Editor

Normally, this process is carried out by specialized editors or, in many cases, by the directors or filmmakers themselves. Nowadays, there are resources on the Internet, even free ones, that allow people to select and edit their own images. However, as in other professions, we often don't have the time or knowledge to do it ourselves. Therefore, it is advisable to hire a specialist who can do this more efficiently and further improve the message. In general, the cost of a professional ranges from $30,000 to $80,000 a day, depending on the length of the video and the number of shots recorded for each shot. Other additional services may include the incorporation of text, adaptation to other formats, A/B versions, and others.


Lower Third - Tercio inferior
Lower Third

As the name suggests, these elements are placed above the images. The most common are texts and captions. In some cases, graphics are used to accompany the text (bullets or lower third). All of these elements help to reinforce ideas and provide complementary information.

Subtitles - Close Caption settings

Nowadays, closed captions are widely used to transcribe audio and allow people to understand the content without having to listen to it, as we consume more and more video content on our own computers, avoiding interrupting those around us.

PIP picture in picture

Another form of overprinting is to place additional images on top or in the form of a split screen to relate parallel situations or complement information. It's common to use this technique to show sign language or different perspectives at the same time. In some programs and televisions, this form of superimposed image is known as “Picture in Picture” (PIP).


Sala de Corrección de Color
Color Correction Room

Once we have completed editing the video, if we want to take full advantage of the quality of the recorded images, we must use the digital technology available today to perform color correction. This allows us to obtain professional quality results and justify the investment made. The color correction process has two main aspects: technical and artistic.

Adobe Premiere - color correct

Color Correction: This aspect refers to achieving a quality standard that makes the colors captured by the camera look realistically, as we see them with our own eyes in everyday life. The different colors of natural light, such as sunlight, influence how we perceive our environment and change throughout the day. Making the colors in the video look natural is essential.

On the other hand, in indoor recording situations, we often encounter marked shades of color due to different light sources. Color correction helps solve these problems and ensure that colors look natural.

Color Correction Equipment

Color Grading: This aspect refers to the artistic approach to color correction. Once we've normalized the colors, we can add drama, modernity, or any desired effect. Digital technology allows us to adjust specific parts of the image, such as skin color or environment, which expands creative possibilities. However, it's important to consider the available budget and clearly define the objectives before starting.

Color correction costs vary depending on the resources used. They range from independent professionals working in small studios (approximately $50,000 - $100,000 per day) to specialized color grading centers with dedicated rooms (approximately $100,000 - $200,000 per day).


Animador Digital - Antídoto 56 estudio visual
Digital Animator - Antidote 56 visual studio

Digital animation and its derivatives, such as motion graphics, 2D cartoons and 3D animation, offer a wide range of artistic techniques and possibilities. As in other art forms, such as painting, there are a variety of techniques and styles. This means that, in our next part of this series of articles, we will explore the techniques most commonly used in creating videos for digital media. We will learn about the various options available to communicate our content online, taking advantage of digital animation to create pieces without the need for a video camera.


These technologies and techniques are commonly used to digitally accomplish what would be difficult or dangerous to do in reality during recording. One of the most popular visual effects is the use of the Chroma Key to replace digital backgrounds, allowing characters to be placed in remote locations around the world or to perform impossible feats. Visual effects artists (VFX) are the wizards behind these digital recreations and, in many cases, their work goes unnoticed by the viewer. Usually, the VFX professionals they charge per day of work or per project, depending on the duration and complexity of the project. Prices usually range from $40,000 to $100,000 per day, depending on the experience and specialization of the digital artist.


Sound Studio

La Audio Postproduction and sound is a crucial element in post-production and can sometimes be more important than the image itself. The different elements that make up sound, such as music and locution, play a fundamental role in the clarity of the message and in the generation of emotions through audio. All of these elements enrich the narrative and are essential.

Music: Music plays a vital role in creating a specific tone for the video. It can convey joy, dynamism, sadness or reflection in a matter of seconds. Music can also help establish a unique sound identity for our brand.

Musical Orchestra Band

The options vary depending on copyright, media and duration of reproduction. Prices can range from free music from royalty-free music libraries to music from online libraries that can cost approximately $40 to $80. In addition, there is the option of original music composed to measure, whose price varies depending on the duration of the rights of use and the complexity of the composition. It can range from $300,000 to $900,000 for a year of limited rights to $5,000,000 for full rights and unlimited use. Popular songs by famous artists can also be used, although exhibition rights in mass media can be expensive.

Locution: In many cases, a voiceover by a professional speaker can help condense the delivery of information into a few seconds. Not only must the speaker have an appropriate pronunciation, but he also brings character to the video. Your choice is based on the desired tone and style for the content.

Announcer - Voice Actor

Prices vary depending on the amount of text or minutes required. The fee range generally ranges from $30,000 to $250,000, depending on the experience and fame of the announcer.

Sound console

Sound Studio/Sound Recording/Foley: Ideally, all of these elements are combined in a sound studio, where they are mixed and enriched. Sound effects, such as footsteps, water and bird sounds, help to set the mood in a situation and convey emotions. If recorded outside the studio, additional sound effects or noise reduction are often required due to on-site recording conditions. Sound studio prices can range from small home studios to professional studios, and usually range from $20,000 to $80,000 per workday.


Multiformats digital media

The last step in post-production is mastering, where the digital video file and its different versions are created if necessary. Usually, you work on a high-quality master's degree from which you can generate different formats and sizes to adapt to different screens and digital media, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and websites. Each platform has specific requirements in terms of video size and length, so it's important to meet these standards to ensure optimal quality. Here, the relationship between file size and image quality must be considered. A 1-minute video in low quality can weigh around 10 MB, while the same length in high quality and HD resolution can weigh up to 2 GB.

Postproduction Room
Undoubtedly, post-production plays a crucial role in the success of most audiovisual projects. It helps reinforce understanding of the content and provides relevant information that allows viewers to connect with the message.

Postproduction may be a slower and more experimental process compared to the production itself, but it is essential to achieve a high-quality final product. Each project is an opportunity to convey a unique message and captivate the audience, and post-production is the tool that allows us to do so. So don't underestimate its importance in your next audiovisual project!

If you want to explore in detail the original article that inspired this improved version What is the real cost of making a Video in Chile? - part 2 - [post-production], we invite you to consult the original source for a complete and enriched perspective.


Cristián Aracena Stübing is Co-Founder of Antidoto 56 Post and VFX studio Expert in post-production and digital video technologies.

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